Monday 21 September 2009

list of ten

1. Get up when the alarm bell sounds. Immediately. Do not press snooze. Do not turn off.
2. Book a dentist appointment; many physical pleasures are oral eg drinking, smoking, eating, kissing, sucking, licking and talking; therefore a healthy mouth is tantamount.
3. Write list of everything to do for the day, preferably at the beginning of each day. Be realistic and do them all.
4. Eat breakfast. You can't get out of a hole with a hole in your tum.
5. Don't watch porn. Don't masturbate. Excessive masturbation is a form of self harm and is your brain's way of helping you to hide the hole.
6. Wash soon after getting out of bed. Cleansed body means fresh start. Do not even think of going anywhere near bed once finished.
7. Leave the house. See the world and feel wind on your face- even if its just for 5 minutes to get some milk from the cornershop.
8. Turn up the pressure. Be critical. Be cruel. listen to your inner Brian.
9. Do not watch TV at home past 10am. Once you've got on to Cash in The Attic, consider yourself a gonner for the rest of the day.
10. Listen to one new piece of music everyday.

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