Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Eyes Closing

I can't speak to you. My phone has been cut off.
I accomplished most of the things on the list today bar a few....was in danger of completely ignoring the first on the list, which would certainly not have been a good start, but managed to redeem myself at the last minute. Lists are good. Lists keep me on the straight and narrow, stop me from falling into a never ending detour.
I saw my dad today. Sometimes I wish my feet were as firmly planted on the ground as his, and I would be able to remain satisfied. He always reminds me that in fact I have a very nice life; I keep my head above the poverty line, I earn money doing something fun, I have friends and live meters away from the canal and a lovely park on either side of my house amongst other things.
My body feels spent and tired, but in a friendly and familiar way. I made it again to yoga this week and I shall slowly add on more physical activity week by week until I once again have a structure built around training my body. Training it until I can slowly haul myself out of this concrete hole. My mind feels quiet, which is maybe why its taking me so long to write this right now. In fact, I should probably be nowhere near a computer so soon after having my body and brain cleansed for an hour and a half this evening.
My eyes are closing now and its time for me to crawl into my bed. Back to the comfort zone. Although I suspect this will be slightly less so as I won't be sharing my sleep with you tonight.

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